Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Well, we're all sugared up. I hope the kids crash hard! We had absolutely fantastic weather for a Wisconsin Halloween. It was about 65-70 degrees at trick-or-treat time. Last year it was windy and cold. In fact, I had to stop at a friend's house while we were out so I could borrow a hat. But this year? Sunny, gorgeous. The kids went out with Lincoln from about 4:45 to 6:30.

I got in my witch costume,

put all our candy in a cauldron, put some speakers in the window playing spooky sounds, and sat on the porch handing out candy. After trick-or-treating we ate stew in bread bowls, witches fingers, eyeballs, finger jello in Halloween shapes, and lots of candy.

The kids declared it the best Halloween ever, so I guess it was a success.

On Monday night for Family Home Evening we carved jack-o-lanterns. Devon, Julia, and Kennedy each drew their own faces on their pumpkins, and Julia and Kennedy cut theirs out almost completely unassisted. Daddy helped Renie with hers, and I "helped" Jesse with his. I did the green pumpkin. The face took shape from some scabs on the pumpkin. I just cut them out and that was the face.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Here are some more pictures from our photoshoot with my brother. I need to pick some to print. (He will edit them as needed.) Which are your favorites? Help me pick some!