Thursday, June 4, 2009

ELP Day in the Park

Today is Devon's last day of school. Since he goes to afternoon ELP, or 4 year old Kindergarten, and tomorrow is only a 1/2 day, he's done today. For an end of the year celebration, the ELP classes walked to Wilson park on Tuesday and spent the school day there playing on the playground,

throwing frisbees around and playing kickball.

I got to join him there and play around with him for a while. It was lovely to be together just the two of us.

While we were playing frisbee, a kickball game was organized. Devon really wanted to go play kickball but he just couldn't bring himself to join the game after it was already started. He's so funny. All the other kids would just run up and jump in line if they wanted to play. But Devon just wouldn't. I offered to go with him. I offered to tell the teachers that he wanted to play. I sat with him and watched for a while, pointing out exactly how it was done and kids who were joining in the middle of the game. None of it worked. Finally, in exasperation, I said, "Listen. I'm done talking about this. If you want to play, play. If you won't just go out there then you'll miss the game." He chose to miss the game. He said, "I want to play, but I'm too nervous." After a snack break, another kickball game was started. This time he was in on it from the get-go so he happily participated. In fact, he was the first one to kick.

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