Thursday, January 14, 2010

It Feels Like January Or Something...

I am tired, discouraged, and unmotivated. I clean my house and it is immediately trashed upon the kids' arrival home. I finally got back to the gym, then Jesse threw up yesterday and Devon is threatening to today and so no workout again. But sadly I'm still feeling the muscle soreness from Tuesday's class anyway. I'm ridiculously tired and I feel like my brain needs to be mucked out. Every day feels very much like the last. There is nothing to anticipate, just day to day grind. I get this every January, i suppose. I think next year for Christmas I want my husband to whisk me away to somewhere beachy and sun-drenched in January. To take a week and run away together. To lay around with no responsibilities, just talking to each other or basking in comfortable silence. I'm desperate for sun on my skin and a good massage.
But January continues, like it or not. I'll do what I usually do- I'll find another project to work on around the house, sneak in an afternoon nap, endure. And soon the blahs will go away. The sun will begin to shed some warmth. All will be well in my world.

Darn January.


Unknown said...

well said. I hope you get your sun soon my friend. :)

merathon said...

ditto! i really struggle in the winter, and it was much worse when we lived in utah, so i can imagine how you're feeling way up north! the difference for us this year is that we ARE going to a beach location soon! yea!

Stephanie said...

I agree, January's hard. We're all sick. Maybe plan a Dells trip? It kind of feels like fake sun and beach. Kind of?

jessie said...

"Basking in comfortable silence..." Sounds heavenly. :) Have you tried using a sun lamp? They can help with SAD.. I grew up in NW MT where during the winter it's dark until 8 am and dark again by 4 pm. (Though not as bad as Alaska - we lived there, too - but still very depressing.) In the interim it's overcast and gloomy. And it's always cold. Sun lamps helped a lot to treat the 'blahs'. Although being "whisked away to somewhere beachy" sounds like the better option. :)