Tuesday, October 8, 2013

One Year Later...

Well, it's been just over a year since we moved from our beloved WI to our newly beloved WA.  The first five months were really hard.  Like, REALLY hard.  Lincoln and I knew we had made the right decision, and we were excited to be here, ready for the new adventure.  But it was difficult for the kids.  That made it difficult for us.  It is not easy or fun in any way to watch your children struggle and be sad.  I think the transition would have been a little easier if we had moved during the summer, but moving in when the school year was already underway was hard.  I felt like the first few months were a whirlwind of registering kids in school, attending meet and greets, parent nights, open houses, and parent teacher conferences at 3 different schools, unpacking, trying to establish routines, overseeing the homework hour, running kids to youth night activities, and trying to keep everyone's morale up while feeling completely overwhelmed myself.  Not to mention the stress of Lincoln learning a new job and the emotional toll of trying to make friends and feel a part of the social circle.  Every time I move I have to remind myself that it takes time- years- to really establish friendships like the ones I've collected in places we've lived before.  And I have to confess that there are still times when I feel like it's just too hard to break into the social circle, but I remind myself again. 

I am happy to report that this year is off to a great start.  It is always so much easier for the kids to be returning to a school they have attended before.  They know the routines, the teachers, the traditions, the classmates.  Kennedy and Julia are both at new schools, just because Julia moved up to middle school and Kennedy moved up to the high school.  Kennedy also started seminary this year, so she leaves the house at 6:15 and returns home after volleyball practice or games in the evening.  When she has away games she is often not home until nearly 10 pm.  She is loving both seminary and volleyball, however, though she will enjoy having her afternoons and evenings back when volleyball is over in 2 1/2 weeks. 

Julia was dreading school this year and had begged me to homeschool her.  We had the letter of intent filled out and we were at the school prepared to turn it in when she decided she would attend school after all.  Though she continues to loathe homework, I think she is enjoying school for the most part.  She seems to really be enjoying Spanish, Science, and Family and Consumer Studies in particular. 

I am happy to know my way around the schools a bit this year so it isn't as overwhelming for me either.  It's enough to be learning the high school this year. 

I didn't even get a back to school picture last year.  (We also didn't carve jack o lanterns or make donuts thanks to the insanity of the first few months.)   But this year I managed it:

                                                Devon 4th, Renie 3rd, Jesse 1st

                                                  Julia 7th, Kennedy 9th

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